Q Who.
By the end of TNG’s first season, the writers wanted to unveil a new enemy that would do for this new show what the Klingons had done for the original. But the roll-out, intended for “The Neutral Zone,” didn’t quite happen and we had to wait until halfway through the second season to meet the menace that would come to define much of modern Star Trek: The Borg. In this episode of The Ready Room we’re joined by our Managing Editor Charlynn Schmiedt and our TOS Editor Drew Stewart to discuss the story that introduced the Drone, the Cube, and the mysterious double-claw self defense posture.
In news we cover Greg’s experience at the TNG Season Two theatrical event, Jonathan Frakes and LeVar Burton on Attack Of the Show, the decommissioning of the aircraft carrier Enterprise, and the official synopsis for Star Trek Into Darkness, including our theory on who the actual villain is—and it’s not who you think.
Running Time 1 hour 54 minutes
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Christopher Jones and Greg Harbin
Drew Stewart and Charlynn Schmiedt
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Show Notes
Jonathan Frakes and LeVar Burton on Attack of the Show
The Navy’s Enterprise Decommissioned, But a New One Awaits
Star Trek Into Darkness Synopsis Released
Feature: Q Who
Sonya Gomez: Walking, Talking Disaster
Guinan: Bartender or Jedi Knight?
Where In the World Is Jean Luc Picard
The Original Borg
Retconning Q
Borg Babies: Technology Overtaking Biology
Retconning Q, Part Deux
Insectoid Borg
A Very Short Story
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