From the beginning of Deep Space Nine, the futures of Sisko and Dukat were intertwined. Beginning as a standoff between two commanding officers on different sides of a conflict, this dance evolved into a standoff between two sides in a spiritual endgame. In this episode of The Ready Room we’re joined by Gwen Maddison and Ben McCormick to discuss the story that set Sisko and Dukat off on their final journeys to the Fire Caves. We also debate whether or not the Federation failed Dukat and if he is truly evil, as Sisko maintains.
In news we cover the fluctuating price of TNG Season 2 on Blu-ray, familiar faces on Broadway, QMX’s new Communicator badge, updates to CBS’s PADD app for iOS, a new Enterprise-D book from Mike and Denise Okuda, and lots of talk about the Star Trek Into Darkness teaser trailer.
Running Time 2 hours 2 minutes
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Christopher Jones and Greg Harbin
Gwen Maddison and Ben McCormick
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Show Notes
Familiar Faces: Star Trek Actors Hit Broadway with Terrence McNally
QMX’s New Replica TNG Badge
CBS Updates the PADD app for iPad and iPhone
Mike and Denise Okuda Take You Back Onboard the USS Enterprise
Star Trek Into Darkness Teaser Trailer
Star Trek Into Darkness International Release Dates
Feature: Waltz
Did Starfleet Fail Dukat?
Religion and Mythology: Good vs. Evil
Over the Precipice
Final Thoughts
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