The Orb 4: The Smartest Man In the Room / by Trek fm

Julian Bashir.


Running Time: 56 minutes 22 seconds
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He arrived on Deep Space 9 as a young, eager, and arrogant doctor ready to bring Federation medical knowledge to the wilderness. He said goodbye to his crewmates as a thougtful and mature man, loyal to his friends, his work, and his ideals.

In this episode of The Orb, hosts Christopher Jones and Matthew Rushing take a closer look at Doctor Julian Bashir, his inner search for acceptance, his relationships, and the arc of incredible growth that we say over the course of seven years.


C Bryan Jones and Matthew Rushing


C Bryan Jones (Editor and Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Charlynn Schmiedt (Executive Producer) Ruth Ward (Associate Producer) Will Nguyen (Associate Producer) Ken Tripp (Associate Producer) William Murray (Associate Producer) Kay Elizabeth Janeway (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager)
