Could Bryan Fuller reboot TNG? We now know who will helm the new Star Trek series coming in early 2017. But what form might that series take? Some speculate that it could be a reboot of The Next Generation.
Hyperchannel 101: A Second Verse / by Trek fm
La-La Land Announces TNG Collection, Volume Two.

Running Time: 8 minutes 29 seconds
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If you're a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation and have been waiting to add more great music from from Dennis McCarthy, Jay Chattaway, and George Romanis to your collection, you won't have to wait much longer. On January 12, 2016, La-La Land will release their Star Trek: The Next Generation Collection, Volume Two, featuring three hours and 48 minutes of symphonic beauty from the 24th century.
C Bryan Jones
C Bryan Jones (Editor and Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Charlynn Schmiedt (Executive Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)
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Hyperchannel 83: VHS is Out of This World! / by Trek fm
The “Encounter at Farpoint” Promo Video.

Running Time: 10 minutes 50 seconds
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When you need your Star Trek fix, it's so easy today to just fire up Netflix, iTunes, or even put a physical disc into a player. Every episode of Star Trek is right at our fingertips. But it wasn’t always that way. There was a time when video tapes were a treasure.’s recent sharing of a TNG promo video—still in shrink wrap—brought back so many memories. Join us for a stroll down VHS Memory Lane.
C Bryan Jones
C Bryan Jones (Editor and Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Charlynn Schmiedt (Executive Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager)
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Hyperchannel 43: Mozart in the Original Klingon / by Trek fm
Shatner and the TNG cast to reunite in Chicago | Southern Illinois Music Festival puts a Star Trek twist on Mozart

Running Time: 13 minutes 1 second
Shatner and the TNG cast to reunite in Chicago
The cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation has been getting together quite often the past few years. If you've missed them in other appearances, another chance is coming up on August 24 as most of the cast reunites on stage at Wizard World's Chicago Comic-Con—and once again the discussion will be led by William Shatner.
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You've never heard Mozart until you've heard it in the original Klingon
We all know that you've never heard Shakespeare until you've heard it in the original Klingon. But what about Mozart? Apparently all of our great creatives originated on Qo'noS! At the Southern Illinois Music Festival, June 27 - 29, a cast of professional actors will be putting a Star Trek twist on Mozart's The Abduction from the Seraglio. The comic opera will be "enhanced" by the presence of Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Klingons, and even an Orion slave girl.
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Hyperchannel 12: The Art on the Edge of Forever / by Trek fm
Moore and Braga Look Back at "All Good Things…" 20 Years Later | J. K. Woodward Shares His Art Process for The City On the Edge of Forever

Moore and Braga Look Back at "All Good Things…" 20 Years Later
On the 20th anniversary of the airing of TNG's finale, "All Good Things…" writers Ronald D. Moore and Brannon Braga sat down with Dave Nemetz at Yahoo TV to reminisce about the writing of the episode and the hectic times that surrounded it. It's hard to believe that two decades have passed since Q sent Picard hopping through time, and still perhaps no TV series has topped this finale.
Read the full interview on the Yahoo TV website.
J. K. Woodward Shares His Art Process for "The City On the Edge of Forever"
In August IDW and Harlan Ellison will bring us the graphic novel adaptation of Ellison's original script for "The City On the Edge of Forever." The artwork that has been revealed thus far is a fitting stylistic take on this story that became one of the most memorable moments of The Original Series. On his blog, artist J. K. Woodward has posted a step-by-step demonstation of his process for creating one page of the graphic novel, taking you through how he works with reference photos, masking, backgrounds, shadow detail, mid/foreground color, and unmasking.