Hyperchannel 162: Blu-rays and Encyclopedias / by Trek fm

Release Dates, Anniversary Art Prints, Giacchino, Kirk Statue.

Running Time: 6 minutes 53 seconds
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We finally have official details on all of the Star Trek Beyond Blu-ray sets, and Mike & Denise Okuda's updated Star Trek Encyclopedia finally has a release date! Plus, composer Michael Giacchino is crossing over from one "Star" franchise to another, 50th Anniversary art prints are now available, and Riverside, Iowa, wants to erect a statue of James T. Kirk.


Star Trek Beyond Blu-rays (00:00:23)
StarTrek.com: http://trekfm.link/2cKChil
IGN: http://trekfm.link/2cKCFO1

50th Anniversary Art Prints (00:03:26)
StarTrek.com: http://trekfm.link/2d87zDm

Michael Giacchino (00:03:46)
Hollywood Reporter: http://trekfm.link/2cPz3MF

Star Trek Encyclopedia (00:04:29)
StarTrek.com: http://trekfm.link/2cYYVox

Kirk Statue (00:05:15)
GoFundMe: http://trekfm.link/2d6cMrD


Luke Weir


Luke Weir (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Charlynn Schmiedt (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager)