Running Time: 2 hours 22 minutes
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The first rule of Xyrillian boating is you do not talk about Xyrillian boating. The second rule is you don’t stick your hands into a box of pebbles with a stranger. This is something Trip Tucker learned the hard way when a seemingly innocent day on the holographic water left him with a few extra nipples and an alien baby. In this episode of The Ready Room we’re joined by Drew Stewart, Mariel Keeran, and Enterprise associate producer Dave Rossi to discuss “Unexpected,” how it gives us a rare glimpse of a truly alien environment, introduces holodeck and replicator technology, the first hostile encounter between human and Klingon ships, and more.
In news we look at a feature-length Blu-ray release for “Redemption,” recovered footage from “The Bonding,” the return of Star Trek fragrances, personalised Star Trek email addresses, a Facebook chat with George Takei and J.J. Abrams, a little known Star Trek Into Darkness TV spot, and the Into Darkness soundtrack.
Christopher Jones and Matthew Rushing
Dave Rossi, Drew Stewart, and Mariel Keeran
Show Notes
“Redemption” to be released as feature-length Blu-ray
Six additional minutes of “The Bonding” recovered
Star Trek fragrances are back!
Claim your personalized Star Trek email address
J.J. Abrams and George Takei to do Facebook chat
New Star Trek Into Darkness TV spots
Star Trek Into Darkness soundtrack cover art and track listings revealed
Feature: Unexpected
Truly Alien Environments
Those Dickish Vulcans!
Berzerker Klingons
Unexpected Technologies
Trip’s Pregnancy
Fighting for a Vision
Final Thoughts
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