Far Beyond the Stars.
Running Time: 1 hour 58 minutes 0 seconds
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In 1998, during Black History Month, Deep Space Nine aired what is one of the most creative stories in the franchise’s history. “Far Beyond the Stars” brought us the tale of a black SF writer struggling to make it in 1950s America. At the same time, the writers wove this period tale together with Sisko’s journey as the Emissary of the Prophets, making a standalone piece serve equally well as a part of the overall story of DS9. In this episode of The Ready Room we’re joined by Charlynn Schmiedt and Tristan Riddell to discuss “Far Beyond the Stars,” its multiple messages, how it works as straight SF, and we explore the future television careers of the staff of Incredible Tales.
In news we look at a new Bird-of-Prey replica from Diamond Select Toys, tell you how to get your Starfleet Academy class ring, and debate which piece of Star Trek technology we would most like to have. We also delve into the news that J.J. Abrams will be directing Star Wars Episode VII and what this could mean for Star Trek.
Christopher Jones and Greg Harbin
Charlynn Schmiedt and Tristan Riddell
Show Notes
Diamond Select Toys Dispatches a Bird-of-Prey
QMx Unveils Starfleet Academy Class Ring
The Piece of Star Trek Technology Fans Want Most Is…
It’s Official: J.J. Abrams to Direct Star Wars Episode VII
With J.J. Directing Star Wars, What Happens to Star Trek?
Abrams Says the Goal of Into Darkness Is to Make You Cry
Feature: Far Beyond the Stars
An Excuse to Get Out of Makeup
Creative Decisions
Dealing with Racism and Sexism
Preacher and Prophets
Only In My Head
Alter Egos and Spinoffs
Just a Great SF Story
To Dream or Not to Dream
Final Thoughts
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