Running Time: 2 hour 9 minutes
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The year 1999 brought us the Y2K bug, Will Smith sampling The Clash, and the Newmannium. It also brought us The Millennium Gate and the story of Captain Janeway’s great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother in the uniquely named “11:59.” In this episode of The Ready Room we’re joined by Charlynn Schmiedt and Matthew Rushing to discuss this tale set in Indiana at the dawn of the 21st century, how the family story of Shannon O’Donnell inspired Kathryn Janeway, and the importance of finding solid relationships, letting go, and charting new courses into the future.
In news we talk about which series fans told StarTrek.com they’d most like to see next on Blu-ray, Jonathan Frakes’s desire for the TNG cast to reunite in a future J.J. Abrams movie, and an onslaught of Star Trek Into Darkness news. What do we know about John Harrison—and is that really his name? What is Alice Eve’s take on Carol Marcus? Will J.J. Abrams’s involvement in Star Trek be limited to a trilogy? Why did Abrams tell MTV that this movie was not made for Star Trek fans? And what connection does Smaug the Dragon have to the detonation of the fleet and all it stands for? Step into The Ready Room and find out.
Christopher Jones and Greg Harbin
Charlynn Schmiedt and Matthew Rushing
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Show Notes
And the Star Trek series you most want to see next on Blu-ray is…
Jonathan Frakes wants to see the TNG cast reunite in the Abramsverse
Cumberbatch says John Harrison is a terrorist.
Screening reveals that Alice Eve is playing Dr. Carol Marcus.
Cumberbatch and Even talk to IGN UK about the plot of Star Trek Into Darkness.
J.J. Abrams says that Star Trek Into Darkness was not made for Star Trek fans.
Orci and Kurtzman say Bad Robot and J.J. Abrams Trek may be limited to a trilogy.
Feature: 11:59
The real meaning of the title “11:59.”
Forging relationships and letting go of the past.
The fear of change and moving into the future.
Henry and Shannon: A love connection.
The Carbon Creek-Portage Creek connection.
Family and role models.
Voyager’s inability to dispense with technology and just tell a story.
Final thoughts.
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