A Piece of the Action.
When Gene Roddenberry was putting together his first proposal for Star Trek, he jotted down a one-sentence synopsis: “President Capone.” And from that eventually came the second-season episode “A Piece of the Action.” In this episode of The Ready Room we’re joined by Matthew Rushing and Drew Stewart to discuss Kirk and Spock’s romp through 1920s Chicago—or at least an alien world modeled after the gangster lifestyle—in one the most quintessential TOS stories around. And if you’re lucky, you’ll leave the show with a royale Fizzbin.
In news we look at release dates for the Enterprise Season Two Blu-ray set, an expanded soundtrack for “The Best of Both Worlds” from GNP Crescendo, the premiere of Star Trek Continues, Space.com’s Treknology infographic, the History Channel’s Star Trek: Secrets of the Universe, and pre-order promotions for Star Trek Into Darkness. Plus, we learn the identify of Jeffrey Combs’s female counterpart. She is everywhere!
Running Time: 1 hour 53 minutes
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Christopher Jones and Matthew Rushing
Drew Stewart
Show Notes
Enterprise Season Two Blu-rays coming in August
GNP Crescendo to release expanded soundtrack from “The Best of Both Worlds”
Star Trek Continues premieres at Phoenix Comicon
Space.com explains how Star Trek technology really works
History’s Star Trek: Secrets of the Universe now available for free streaming
Star Trek Into Darkness already available for pre-order
Feature: A Piece of the Action
Learning to Speak Gangster
The Prime Directive
Where’s the Universal Translator
Quintessentially Shatner
Let’s Play Fizzbin!
Guinness Fight Scene Record
Kirk’s Solution to Planetary Unity
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