Star Trek (2009).
In the same year that Enterprise went black, marking the end of Star Trek on television, Paramount reached out to a new creative team for ideas on how to revive the franchise. What came next was revelation that J.J. Abrams was developing a new Star Trek film. Slowly fans learned that the project was a reboot of the franchise that would recast the iconic roles of Kirk, Spock, and their crew. We’re starting everything over again. As the poster said, “The Future Begins.” In this episode of The Ready Room we’re joined by Charlynn Schmiedt, Matthew Rushing, and Max Hegel to talk about the first J.J. film, the uproar it caused in the Trek community, where it fits into the overall franchise, and about its strengths and weaknesses.
In news we look at summer and autumn tour plans for Star Trek: The Exhibition, new developments in the possible remastering of Deep Space Nine for Blu-ray, Diamond Select’s USS Excelsior, Geek Nation Tours “Hollywood to Vegas with Larry Nemecek,” changes to the Star Trek Into Darkness release date, and we talk about IDW’s Star Trek Ongoing #20. Plus, Mike Schindler gives a report from the midnight screening of Into Darkness at the BFI IMAX in London.
Running Time: 2 hours 39 minutes
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Christopher Jones and Matthew Rushing
Charlynn Schmiedt and Max Hegel
Show Notes
Star Trek Exhibition scheduled for U.S. fair tour
Deep Space Nine in high definition: One step closer?
Diamond Select unveils the USS Excelsior
Time running out to secure your spot on Geek Nation Tours
Star Trek Into Darkness release date moved up
Mike’s Star Trek Into Darkness Report from London
Star Trek Ongoing #20 reveals first meeting of Chekov and Sulu
Feature: Star Trek (2009)
The Reboot
The Merits of Abramsverse Vulcans
Emo Spock
Destinies Altered
Plotting Conveniences
Is it Star Trek?
Realism in Environments
Taking On Iconic Roles
Final Thoughts
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