The Ready Room 87: Can We Please Reactivate the Defendant? / by Trek fm

The Measure of a Man.

Does Data have rights? This is the central question asked in Melinda Snodgrass’s classic courtroom drama “The Measure of a Man.” But beyond the fate of Data himself, the real question is how artificial life will be treated in the future. Though it may sound like science fiction, it’s a decision we will someday have to make in the real world. The difficulty of the issue was presented brilliantly more than two decades ago by TNG, and the uncertainty of its message still rings true today.

In this episode of The Ready Room we’re joined by renowned Star Trek historian Larry Nemecek to discuss “The Measure of a Man,” the ethical questions it raises, and how the extended cut on Blu-ray—which adds 13 minutes—makes this episode even better.

In news we look at the upcoming re-release of The Next Generation on DVD, two awards given to La-La Land Records, the unofficial Star Trek Into Darkness poster designed by Matt Ferguson (plus a few more bits of news and rumours about the film), and we debate which Starfleet doctor is the most skilled.

Running Time 2 hours 9 minutes


Christopher Jones and Greg Harbin



Larry Nemecek


Show Notes

Star Trek: The Next Generation to be re-released on DVD

The International Film Music Critics Association honors La-La Land Records

The most skilled Starfleet doctor is…

Star Trek Into Darkness first-look featurette

J.J. Confirms Klingons will play a part in Star Trek Into Darkness

Matt Ferguson’s unofficial Star Trek Into Darkness poster


Feature: The Measure of a Man

Moments Cut
The Intentions of Nakamura and Maddox
Data’s Growth
More Moments Cut
Whoopi: The Real Counselor
Night Court
Pulaski’s Weird Advice
One More Moment Cut
Final Thoughts


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