The Ready Room 183: Breaking Out with a Bad Case of Hooves / by Trek fm


Running Time: 1 hour 58 minutes 41 seconds
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Along with the Andorians, the Tellarites are one of the most memorable races from Star Trek that got almost no love after The Original Series went off the air. Even the TOS films merely gave them blink-of-an-eye-cameo attention (in The Voyage Home and The Undiscovered Country). But never fear! As with their fellow, antennae-donning Federation-founders, Enterprise came to the rescue. Sort of. The first Tellarite the 22nd-century gave us didn’t look—nor act—much like those we met in “Journey to Babel.”

In this episode of The Ready Room, we’re joined by Larry Nemecek, Norm Lao, and Will Nguyen, to discuss our hoofed friends and the episode “Bounty.” We explore the first draft of the script, in which the bounty hunter was not Tellarite, and also delve into what it takes to make a new Star Trek series that meets fan expectations for in-universe connections, yet feels fresh at the same time.

In our news segment, we catch up with Larry post-San Diego Comic-Con to talk about the state of Star Trek fandom at conventions, preview plans for Star Trek Las Vegas, and find out what secrets Larry has stashed away in a portal labeled 47.


C Bryan Jones and Larry Nemecek


Norman C. Lao and Will Nguyen

Editor and Producer

C Bryan Jones

Executive Producers

Matthew Rushing and Norman C. Lao

Associate Producers

Renee Roberts and Zachary Fruhling

Production Manager

Richard Marquez

Content Manager

Will Nguyen


Larry’s San Diego Comic-Con Recap (00:01:55)
Star Trek Las Vegas + Geek Nation Tours Update (00:10:10)
Introducing Portal 47 (00:17:43)

Feature: Bounty

Intro and Synopsis (00:32:36)
Tellarite Spotting (00:35:42)
Becoming Tellarite (00:52:14)
The D Plot (01:02:25)
Making a Better Show? (01:10:56)
Missing TOS Links (01:28:17)
Final Thoughts (01:33:12)

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The Ready Room 183: Breaking Out with a Bad Case of Hooves

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