The Ready Room 166: Let’s Go Crazy Honey Child / by Trek fm

The Naked Now.

When The Next Generation launched, Gene Roddenberry and the writers wanted to make sure it had its own identity and wasn’t perceived as a rehash of The Original Series. So for the second episode, they pulled out a script written in 1967 as a planned sequel to "The Naked Time" and reworked it a bit to feature the crew of this new Galaxy Class starship. More fancy water molecules meant more life-threatening strange behavior, and a story that felt wildly familiar to the fans TNG was trying to win over.

In this episode of The Ready Room we’re joined by Daniel Proulx, Suzanne Abbott, and Andi VanderKolk to discuss this second take on polywater intoxication, the different ways in which the Enterprise-D crew behave, Riker’s obsession with the showering habits of the 23rd century, weepy drunks, angry drunks, Acting Captain Wesley Crusher, and much more.

In our news segment we look back at 18 years of Star Trek First Contact, find out about the final push for Marc Cushman's These Are the Voyages Volume 3, and debate which crew faced the most adversity.

Running Time: 1 hour 56 minutes 9 seconds


Christopher Jones and Daniel Proulx


Suzanne Abbott, and Andi VanderKolk

Editor and Producer

Christopher Jones

Associate Producer

Renee Roberts


Marking 18 years since First Contact (00:02:59)
Poll: The crew that faced the most adversity was... (00:22:19)
Support Marc Cushman's These Are the Voyages, Volume 3 (00:32:27)

Feature: The Naked Time

Intro and Synopsis (00:43:34)
A Second Dose of Polywater (00:50:45)
Android Love and Fashion: Writing Yar (00:59:59)
Horny Doctor (01:05:45)
Confused Counselor (01:08:52)
Riker’s Leggy Playground (01:13:21)
Weepy Drunk, Angry Drunk (01:18:34)
If You Prick Him, Does He Not Leak? (01:27:47)
Acting Captain Wesley Crusher (01:33:39)
Nekkid Remastering (01:37:01)
Closing (01:45:06)

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The Ready Room 166: Let’s Go Crazy Honey Child

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