The Ready Room 151: Please Refrain From Using Your Imagination / by Trek fm

If Wishes Were Horses.

Aliens appearing onboard a starship or space station is nothing new to Star Trek. But normally you expect to see a menace like Klingons, the Borg, or a woman in go-go boots and a bling belt—none of whom can spin straw into gold. As Terry J. Erdmann said in the DS9 Companion, “If Wishes Were Horses” could have been just another “mysterious-aliens-play-head-games-with-the-Star Trek-crew” story. Instead it morphed into a delightfully whimsical episode. Or did it?

In this episode of The Ready Room we're joined by Megan Calcote, Von Glitschka, and John Mills to discuss the power of imagination, the demise of baseball, the challenges of working with space emus, the fantasy life of Julian Bashir, and, of course, Rumpelstiltskin.

In our news segment we share our thoughts on The Primate Directive, which is IDW's crossover between Star Trek and Planet of the Apes, comments by Benedict Cumberbatch and Zachary Quinto about Khan possibly appearing in the next film, and we discuss the results of's poll that asked fans to choose the saddest death scene in Star Trek.

Running Time: 1 hour 51 minutes 25 seconds


Christopher Jones and Megan Calcote


Von Glitschka and John Mills


IDW's The Primate Directive combines Star Trek and Planet of the Apes (2:07)
And the saddest death scene in Star Trek is… (7:42)
Could Khan appear in the third Abramsverse Star Trek film? (23:31)
Sponsor: Audible (30:12)

Feature: If Wishes Were Horses

Initial Thoughts (34:09)
The Star Trek V Retcon (42:41)
Explorers on a Mission: Good Idea or Rehash? (45:09)
The Power of Imagination (52:36)
Who Were These Aliens Anyway? (1:01:10)
Quark, You Disgust Me! (1:05:00)
The Fantasy Life of Julian Bashir (1:12:26)
Expanded Baseball Mythology (1:22:41)
Running Short On Material (1:35:48)
Closing (1:40:40)

The Ready Room 151: Please Refrain From Using Your Imagination


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