The Ready Room 125: The Rudolphs of the Empire / by Trek fm



Few subjects in Star Trek have caused as much controversy as Klingon forehead ridges. A simple lack of resources in 1967 and a big movie budget in 1979 worked together to create one of the greatest debates of our time. Why do some Klingons have ridges while others do not? Deep Space Nine chimed in on the topic in a humorous way in “Trials and Tribble-ations,” but Enterprise sought to create a real in-universe explanation. In the final episode of The Ready Room for 2013 we’re joined by Mike Schindler and Tyler Johnson to discuss the Season Four two-parter, the medical dilemma faced by Phlox, the implications for the Klingon Empire, the Section 31 twist, and whether or not Enterprise helped settle the debate or simply further muddied the waters.

In news we take a look at the Enterprise Season Four Blu-ray set, discuss the five stages of reading the novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and round out our preview of Five Year Mission’s Year Three with “A Piece of the Action” and “The Immunity Syndrome.”

The Ready Room 125: The Rudolphs of the Empire

Running Time: 2 hours 9 minutes 43 seconds


Christopher Jones and Mike Schindler



Tyler Johnson



Enterprise Season Four Blu-rays set for April 1 release
Five Stages of Reading the Novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture


Feature: Affliction/Divergence

To Ridge or Not to Ridge
An Augmented Response
Medical Ethics
Reed and Section 31
A Little Bit of High-Warp Padding
Muddying the Waters
Final Thoughts


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