The Ready Room 107: Orange Is the New Grey / by Trek fm

The Q and the Grey.


Q was a constant thorn in Picard’s side. He put the Enterprise crew on trial for the crimes of humanity, introduced humans to the Borg, kidnapped Vash, and sent the Captain spiralling through time. Through it all, one thing he never did with Jean Luc was try to procreate. But that’s exactly what he tried to do with Janeway in “The Q and the Grey.” In this episode of The Ready Room we’re joined by Charlynn Schmiedt, Darren Moser, and Mike Rittenhouse to discuss a Q’s guide to romance, how John de Lancie’s character fits into Voyager compared to TNG, how the episode rewrites the very nature of the Q, and the battle for the future of the Continuum.

In our news segment we preview the festivities slated for Star Trek Las Vegas, fill you in on a special convention panel for Larry Nemecek’s Stellar Cartography, and we say goodbye to Michael Ansara, who played Kang—one of Star Trek’s original Klingons. Plus, we unveil our plan for solving the world economic crisis using custom Star Trek email accounts.

The Ready Room 107: Orange Is the New Grey

Running Time: 2 hours 5 minutes 6 seconds 


Christopher Jones and Charlynn Schmiedt



Darren Moser and Mike Rittenhouse



Remembering Michael Ansara, Klingon Commander Kang
Creation’s full Star Trek Las Vegas event schedule
Stellar Cartography book panel set for Star Trek Las Vegas
Klingon email now available for warriors trapped on Earth


Feature: The Q and the Grey

Q on Voyager
A Q’s Guide to Romance
Janeway’s Loneliness
The Consequences of Q’s Shenanigans
The Future of the Continuum


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