100 Things We Love About Star Trek.
This week we reach a milestone: our 100th show! To help us celebrate the occasion we’ve gathered members of the Trek.fm crew from all around the globe for a double-length feature. In this episode of The Ready Room we forego our usual format as Matthew Rushing, Charlynn Schmiedt, Drew Stewart, Lorrie Sears, Thomas Baddeley, Max Hegel, Daniel Proulx, Mariel Keeran, and Matt Miller join us for an informal chat about a hundred things we love about Star Trek.
In an abbreviated news segment we hear from one of our most devoted listeners and check in on Star Trek: The Exhibition as it kicks off in San Diego. We also look at some very limited autographed collectibles from Amazon and Celebrity Authentics signed by William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and Zachary Quinto.
Running Time: 2 hours 51 minutes
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Christopher Jones and Matthew Rushing
Lorrie Sears
Drew Stewart
Charlynn Schmiedt
Thomas Baddeley
Max Hegel
Matt Miller
Daniel Proulx
Mariel Keeran
Show Notes
Star Trek: The Exhibition opens in San Diego
Amazon to offer autographed Shatner, Nimoy & Quinto collectibles
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