The 602 Club 316: Infinity Stones / by Matthew Rushing

The Fifth Element.


Running Time: Running Time: 57 minutes 30 seconds

Some movies take a very long time to make it to the screen and director Luc Besson had this movie in his head since the age of sixteen, yet it would not make it to the big screen till he was thirty-eight.

In this episode of The 602 Club hosts Matthew Rushing and Christy Morris talk about The Fifth Element. We discuss finding the movie, a long time coming, mixing ideas, comic inspiration, costumes, creature design, the cast, why save life, the soundtrack, ratings and our recommendations.


Finding It (00:03:04)
A Long Time Coming (00:05:42)
Mixing Ideas (00:06:59)
Comic Inspirations (00:11:43)
Costumes (00:16:36)
Creature Design (00:22:35)
Bruce Willis (00:24:24)
Milla Jovovich (00:27:22)
Gary Oldman (00:31:08)
Ian Holm (00:33:48)
Chris Tucker (00:36:45)
Why Save Life (00:39:44)
The Soundtrack (00:46:24)
Ratings (00:50:14)
Recommendations (00:53:16)


Matthew Rushing


Christy Morris


Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Associate Producer) Davis Grayson (Associate Producer) Daniel Noa (Associate Producer) Ryan Maillet (Associate Producer)

