by Travis Anderson
Series: TOS, DS9
Rating: K+
Synopsis: Michael Eddington has left Starfleet, but his arrival in the DMZ heralds in a new era for the Maquis. What Ro Laren wants to know is will it be an era of newfound success and/or a period of unrestricted extremism?
Chronology: Two weeks after the Deep Space Nine fourth season episode “For the Cause.”
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by Travis Anderson
Series: TNG, DS9
Rating: M (dark themes)
Synopsis: In the TNG season 7 episode "Lower Decks," the Enterprise detected debris indicative of a Federation shuttlecraft’s life pod’s destruction. There was no mention of organic material. In fact, the crew had to hear about the death of Sito Jaxa though Cardassian military reports. But again, no body was ever presented as evidence. Is Sito Jaxa alive, and if so, what happened to her?
Chronology: The following are a series of vignettes beginning in 2371 post-DS9 “Defiant” and stretching until post-DS9 “What You Leave Behind.”
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by Travis Anderson
Series: TNG, DS9, VOY
Rating: K+
Tom Riker is drawn into a Maquis web as Chakotay recruits Riker on Kalita’s recommendation. The task: To infiltrate and eliminate a Cardassian base located within the Demilitarized Zone. In doing so, the Maquis provide Riker with a crisis of conscience. Will he commit to them just in this small matter, or will he go even further once presented with a tantalizing mystery?
Chronology: Six months after TNG’s “Preemptive Strike,” one month prior to the events in VOY’s “Caretaker,” and two months prior to the DS9 episode “Defiant.”
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