Star Trek 2013

Star Trek 2 Trailer Suggests Khan Is Back, Dupes the Internet by Trek fm

Twitter—and indeed all the Internets—was abuzz this week with word of a first teaser trailer for the next J.J. Abrams Star Trek. Of course, the trailer was… in the words of Vreenak… a FAAAAAAKE!!! Nevertheless it’s a wonderfully crafted fan trailer that duped many into believing it was the real thing.

Assembled by MOVIECLIPS, the suggestion is that Khan is back. We still don’t know what the sequel has in store for us, but if the story is as intriguing as this video then fans should be in for a treat. And if Khan comes back in this way, it might just be worth the trip back to the well.

You can find more great content from MOVIECLIPS on their YouTube channel.

Cumberbatch Stumped by MTV Star Trek Quiz by Trek fm

Well… at least we are to believe that he is stumped. Certainly there have been actors who, upon entering into their roles, knew little about Star Trek. But the questions here are designed to elicit information about the upcoming film. The result? Cumberbatch seems to be a fantastic actor. Have a watch for yourself.