
Earl Grey 84: Better Call Yar by Darren Moser

The 1701-C.

Throughout The Next Generation, fans were intrigued by the Enterprise models displayed in the flagship's observation lounge. What was the story behind those mysterious ships that served the Federation between Kirk and Picard's times? In "Yesterday's Enterprise," viewers finally got to see the U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-C, under the command of Captain Rachel Garrett, along with her ill-fated crew. Darren, Daniel, and Phillip analyze this Ambassador-class vessel, and how it served as a transition between the 23rd Century Starfleet ships and the Galaxy-class vessels. They also discuss the Enterprise-C's crew, their missions, and what a prequel series to TNG would have been like with this maroon-uniformed crew.

Take a trip back in time with Earl Grey as they ensure that history never forgets the name ... Enterprise-C.

Running Time: 40 Minutes 50 Seconds


Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer

Darren Moser

Production Manager

Richard Marquez

Content Coordinator

Will Nguyen

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