Running Time: 1 hour 3 minute 48 seconds
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Exhibit A: Star Trek Nemesis has its claim to fame for being the worst performing movie of the franchise with a mere $67 million in box office sales. Exhibit B: B4 is yet another family member for Data; haven't we seen this before? Exhibit C: Photo of bald Shinzon/Picard from his days in Starfleet Academy. This mountain of evidence is more than enough for many fans to despise this movie.
In this episode of Earl Grey, hosts Lee Hutchison, Richard Marquez, and Amy Nelson will hold Nemesis on trial for its acts against Star Trek fandom. With Lee as the prosecutor, Richard as the jury, and Amy as the defense attorney, Nemesis will answer for its crimes.
First Contact Eve (00:00:00)
Introduction (00:01:03)
Opening Statement (00:01:33)
Nemisis Fan? (00:02:10)
Copying Wrath of Khan (00:06:00)
Rape Scene Appropriate?(00:09:55)
Too Much Action? (00:15:35)
B4 (00:21:33)
Argo and Prime Directive (00:28:33)
Are the fans idiots? (00:38:22)
A Good TNG Ending? (00:49:00)
Have I Swayed You? (00:54:20)
POTFM (00:59:36)
Patreon (01:00:51)
Closing (01:02:57)
Lee Hutchison, Amy Nelson, and Richard Marquez
Richard Marquez (Editor) Lee Hutchison (Producer) Amy Nelson (Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Michael E. Hueter (Associate Producer) Justin Oser (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Brandon-Shea Mutala (Patreon Manager)