Super BridgeMates STLV.

Star Trek. 50th Anniversary. Las Vegas. A once-in-a-lifetime gathering.
Phillip, Daniel, and Darren share their experiences of meeting each other for the first time -- in real life! -- and what it was like to celebrate Trek's 50th Birthday with several thousand fellow fans at the Rio Hotel/Casino/Convention Center, off the Las Vegas Strip.
The trio talks about meeting other cohosts, Earl Grey listeners, celebrities, and even R2-D2. They describe how their hotel suite served as a "Ten Forward" (their room number was literally 17001) for the week, hosting a meetup for all hosts and listeners, as well as providing the ultimate gaming experience with "Star Trek: Scene-It?" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive VCR Board Game: A Klingon Challenge." Las Vegas is the ultimate place to experience Biij ... and Darren even gets the official endorsement from not-Gowron himself.
Their STLV experience also includes attending TNG-themed celebrity panels - Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), in her first Star Trek convention appearance, as well as Jonathan Frakes (Willam T. Riker), Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi, a previous Earl Grey special guest star!), and Michael Dorn (Worf). The Earl Grey team took up many photo opportunities dressed in their Next Gen uniforms, Daniel met Q, and Darren was excited to find a copy of a certain TNG novel, "Ship of the Line."
The highlight of the Earl Grey STLV experience is, of course, Super BridgeMates - recorded live at the #Roddenberry Stage at Quark's Bar. Phillip hosted the three teams of Free Enterprise (Daniel and Darren), Team Lizard Babies (Charlynn Schmiedt and Tristan Riddell) and the Council of Mistresses (Andi Vanderkolk and Jarrah Hodge). Listeners get to experience what happens when three teams must answer random Trek trivia questions, guess episodes/movies as they are acted out by audience members, and stumble around with cosplayers. Phillip does warn listeners that there was a hiccup on his part that may leave the answer of who won this epic showdown entirely up to the listeners' decisions. Earl Grey thanks everyone who made this fun-filled panel possible.
Join Earl Grey as they drink a James Tea Kirk from the Rio Masquarade Bar, drop a few coins in the penny slot machines, and sing their hearts out at Klingon Karaoke, as they share their experience at Star Trek Las Vegas.
Phillip, Darren, and Daniel wish to announce that this is their penultimate episode of Earl Grey - this bridge crew has decided now is the time to move on to another continuing mission. The next episode of Earl Grey will be their last episode - listeners are encouraged to share their favorite EG moments with the crew before the trio sits down for their last poker game. Earl Grey will soon continue with a new crew and new adventures, celebrating all things Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Running Time: 1 hour 11 minutes 26 seconds
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Star Trek Las Vegas (00:00:41)
Super Bridgemates (00:41:03)
Closing (01:07:42)
Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser
Darren Moser (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) Michael E Hueter (Associate Producer) Stephen Boyd (Associate Producer) Ron Saarna (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager)
Memorable Goodbyes. We discuss some of our favorite characters saying goodbye in TNG as we also say our own goodbyes to the listeners as we take our leave of hosting duties on Earl Grey.
Characters We Never Saw Again. We discuss some of the many characters we only ever saw once.
Mismatched Episodes. We discuss what would happen if the characters from different Star Trek series were like a deck of cards shuffled and dealt into various TNG episodes.
Data's Hobbies. We discuss our the many and varied hobbies of Lieutenant Commander Data in The Next Generation.
Season 7 Deleted Scenes. We discuss the deleted scenes from The Next Generation season 7 episodes. All the deleted scenes that are discussed can be found on the season 7 Blu-Ray release.
What if Series: Part 1. In this episode, the hosts of Earl Grey start a new series looking what if scenarios, beginning with Yar, Locutus, and W. Thomas Riker.
The Good in Low Rated Episodes, Part 1. In this episode, the hosts of Earl Grey start a new series looking for the good that can be found in the lowest rated episodes, beginning with Season 1.
Introducing New Hosts. We introduce our new hosts, Ria Papageorgiou, Kevin Scharf and Pierre LaRocco.
Jack Crusher. We discuss the character of Jack Crusher through his appearances in The Next Generation and in some of the novels.
Aging and Death. We discuss the idea of aging and death as perceived in the 24th century. We share our personal stories to growing older and our perceptions of death.
Season 6 Deleted Scenes. We discuss the deleted scenes from The Next Generation season 6 episodes. All the deleted scenes that”
Season 6 Deleted Scenes. We discuss the deleted scenes from The Next Generation season 6 episodes. All the deleted scenes that are discussed can be found on the season 6 Blu-Ray release.
Trivia with Jim McMahon. Amy and Joe are pitted against each other in a titanic battle that tests the depths of their Next Generation knowledge.
Birthright Part I and Part II. We discuss the parallel storylines of Worf and Data in search of their fathers. Both characters must learn about themselves in order to bring closure to their own father's life.
Wesley's Starfleet. We discuss the plethora of exams and courses needed to graduate Starfleet Academy and what may have influenced Wesley to drop out before graduating.
Time Travel Fan Set. We discuss "Cause and Effect," "Time's Arrow," and "All Good Things." These three episodes were highlighted in the Fan Collective Set for The Next Generation.
Favorite Badass Guinan Moments. We discuss our favorite moments showing Guinan as tough and uncompromising in The Next Generation.
Favorite Exoplanets in TNG. We discuss our picks for favorite planets outside Earth's solar system that we see on The Next Generation.
Picard's Best Partner. We discuss who we think is the best romantic partner for Picard in The Next Generation. The discussion includes Beverly Crusher, Vash, Kamala, Nella Daren, and Anij.
"Balance of Terror" and "The Neutral Zone." We discuss the introduction of the Romulans in The Original Series and The Next Generation, including the striking similarities and differences between this pair of season 1 episodes.
AI in TNG. We talk about artificial intelligence in The Next Generation. The discussion includes Data and his android family as well as the episodes "Elementary, Dear Data," "Evolution," "The Quality of Life," "Emergence," and "11001001."
The Lost Episodes, Part 9. Discussion with Brian Meloche on the scripts he submitted and story ideas he pitched to Paramount for The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager.
Science in TNG, with Dr. Erin MacDonald. We're joined by Dr. Erin MacDonald to talk about the excitement of being a Star Trek science consultant, her work as a scientist and science communicator, our favorite science moments in TNG, and much more!
"The Most Toys." We talk about the character of Kivas Fajo, ruling by fear, Geordi's quest for the truth, and the question of whether Data pulled the trigger in this season three episode of The Next Generation.
Favorite Badass Data Moments. We discuss our favorite moments showing Data as tough and uncompromising in The Next Generation.
Deleted Scenes, Season 5. Deleted scenes from The Next Generation season 5 episodes "New Ground,” "Ethics,” "The Outcast,” The First Duty,” "Cost of Living,” The Perfect Mate,” and "The Inner Light.”
Genetically Designed People. [Discussion on all eight of Q's appearances on TNG included on the Star Trek: Fan Collective DVD collection.
High Culture in TNG. We discuss high culture in The Next Generation from Shakespeare to the performing and visual arts.
"Half A Life.” We talk about a season four episode of The Next Generation. The discussion includes the episode’s unusual format, the love story between Lwaxana and Timicin, aging and the right to die, and the Prime Directive.
Serialized TNG: Q Episodes. Discussion on all eight of Q’s appearances on TNG included on the Star Trek: Fan Collective DVD collection.