Earl Grey 110: The Shift Key Is Your Friend / by Darren Moser

A Final Unity.

The mission of creating a good game based on Star Trek: The Next Generation has been a continuous hit-or-miss enterprise. However, few games can boast the voice talents of the original TNG actors. In 1995, game developer Spectrum HoloByte and publisher MicroProse released "A Final Unity," for both DOS and Macintosh computers. The Enterprise-D faced Romul-, er, Garidian warbirds, went on various away missions, and had Captain Jean-Luc Picard deal with an ultimate moral question concerning power.

Daniel, Darren, and Phillip fire up their boot disks in this episode and talk about playing "A Final Unity." The trio discusses gameplay (both the regular and "quick" versions), the game's story, solving puzzles, the graphics, and how our favorite TNG crewmembers are used by players. The trio explain the accuracy of Commander Riker leaning on the bridge, the game mechanics of yesteryear, and why Daniel holds a game secret more powerful than anything the Chodak have to offer. Join Earl Grey as they enter the world of Next Gen gaming and discuss the 1995 release, "A Final Unity."   

Earl Grey 110: The Shift Key Is Your Friend

Running Time: 1 Hour 12 Minutes 25 Seconds


Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer

Darren Moser

Executive Producers

Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Associate Producer

Stephen Boyd

Production Manager

Richard Marquez

Content Manager

Will Nguyen


Gameplay (00:23:21)
Story (00:29:29)
Episode References (00:46:26)
TNG GAMES PART 2 (00:52:20)
What if? (00:54:55)
Final Thoughts (00:59:59)

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