Ronald D. Moore

Commentary: Trek Stars 101: You Gotta Wiggle Them Legs! by Mike Schindler

Moore, Part 8: Outlander.

In the years since Battlestar Galactica, Ronald D. Moore has struggled to find another hit on television. That search has ended with his latest series, Outlander. Based on the novel by Diana Gabaldon, the show tells the story of an English nurse from 1945 who is thrown back in time to 1743 Scotland.

In this episode of Commentary: Trek Stars, Mike and Max take a look at the first eight episodes of Moore's series. We discuss the strength of the characters, the use of time travel, and challenges of adapting a novel into a TV series. We also discuss the newest addition to the Star Trek family, Star Tr3k's cinematographer, Claudio Miranda.

Running Time: 55 minutes 50 seconds


Mike Schindler and Max Hegel


Editor and Producer

Mike Schindler


Associate Producer

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The Premise (02:00)
Thoughts on the show (09:42)
Time travel (27:14)
Adaptation (30:38)
Final thoughts (39:51)
Claudio Miranda (41:11)
Wrap-up (45:46)


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